Providing quality homes and work experience for adults with learning difficulties
Registered Charity No. 1167878
www.friendsofembark.org.uk tel.0843 289 4564 mail.friendsofembark@gmail.com

​friends of Embark, was born out of the need to provide quality, stable homes and work experience for Adults with learning difficulties, who wish to live more independent lives.

Established in the summer of 2012, Friends of Embark was founded as a charitable trust. However has since grown and is now a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO), and registered with the Charity Commission in 2016. We are based in Haywards Heath, West Sussex and managed by eight trustees.

​Working closely with Embark who provide high quality supported living services, the philosophy behind Friends of Embark is to enable such adults to experience life to their best ability. Not only by enabling them to live more independently in secure and stable homes but also to support projects and work experience providing:- a sense of purpose, self development, a sense of achievement and also giving them opportunities to integrate with the local and wider community
We are very keen to support projects to show that our Adults can help support themselves and not just rely on benefits and charity alone. Our work experience projects are designed to help them produce products that can be sold to raise funds giving them a sense of the real world where we all have to work in order to benefit ourselves.